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Newfields Community Church Open House

9:30 AM - Historical Service
11:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Open House and Organ Concert

Join us for a special journey back in time at the Newfields Community Church Open House! We're kicking off with a historical service in the morning that promises to transport you through the rich tapestry of our faith and community's history. It's a unique opportunity to experience the traditions and stories that have shaped us.

The morning service will be followed by an open house featuring an organ concert. Immerse yourself in the majestic sounds of our beautiful organ, an experience that promises to uplift and inspire.

Whether you're a history buff, a music enthusiast, or simply looking for a meaningful way to spend your day, there's something for everyone. Don't miss this chance to connect with your community, celebrate our heritage, and enjoy the melodies of our church's organ.

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